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Yes, 7 days Money-back guarantee, If Our Product does Not Work And I will be Unable to solve your problem. In favor of any of the subscription/ Automate Recurring Payments, you have the duration of 48 hours after the transaction to request for the sake of a refund.

All the products of the third party are to be provided are supported by their authors and not by the side of the Provider. You should please review the support terms that are to be provided by the author of a product before purchasing it.

This cancellation request will be forwarded to the concerned bank for processing. The amount will be credited back to your account in accordance with the bank’s procedures. It can take 7 to 10 days for the refund

scotline does not provide a refund for our “super one” membership even you claim within 7 days

If you have purchased with Bitcoin, there will be no refund for it.